Pose of the Week - Low Lunge with twist.
Low lunge twist pose is actively involves the hip flexors just like in our standard low lunge position but with a focus on opening and stretching the muscles of the back. Pushing the hips down helps with a deeper stretch of the gluteus maximus muscles and upper hamstring muscles. The twisting and raising of the arm helps with opening the chest and the muscles of the entire back.
Pose of the Week - Wide Leg Forward Fold.
This is a symmetrical standing pose where both sides of the body are activated and stretched equally and lengthening all the muscles in the posterior chain (back of the body – hamstrings, glutes, calves etc.). As we fold forward, the lengthening of adductor magnus (groin) in particular is accentuated because we are both flexing and abducting (bring it towards the body) at the hip joint.
Pose of the Week - Plank.
This pose is universally known and widely used in the fitness industry and really focuses on our balance and strength and less of stretch, as the big emphasis is on the muscles at the core and the shoulders.
Pose of the Week - Bound Angle.
Bound Angle requires a combination of stability, flexibility and effort, and any of these aspects of the pose can make you confront your limitations.
Pose of the Week - Hero.
This is a great pose for athletes, as it relaxes the legs after running to bring a better circulation of blood to the entire legs and cools the feet. It also helps in avoiding cramps if practiced before running. Hero is a seated posture and creates the deepest flexion of the knee joints.
Pose of the Week - Warrior 1
This is the first of our warrior poses and one that can be a bit tricky for those who are beginners to yoga.
Pose of the Week - Cat Cow.
Whether you’re a master yogi or a total beginner you’ll probably know what a cat cow stretch is; it’s one of those movements that’s pretty much included in nearly every sport related warm up but especially popular in fitness and strength training due to its uses in targeting spinal mobility and control of the vertebral column.
Pose of the Week - Pyramid.
Pyramid pose is a great one for stretching and strengthening the legs and the perfect warm up for hamstring intensive movements. If you do a lot of running or similar activities that tighten the hamstrings, this pose will help you maintain flexibility and improve your movement patterns.
Pose of the Week - Bridge.
Bridge pose is one of the most beneficial of all the yoga postures. It improves spinal mobility, opens up the chest and shoulders, releases the hips flexors, strengthens the posterior chain and can help to alleviate knee, lower and upper back pain.
Pose of the Week - Warrior II.
Who doesn’t love a warrior pose? It’s a strong position, showing strength and power in a positive way.
Pose of the Week - Pigeon.
This is very much a love or loathe pose in yoga but believe me it’s possibly the best hip opener you’ll ever do!
Tight hips seem to affect everyone, me included.
Flexibility varies widely from person to person and dependent on a number of factors such as our anatomical structure, genetics, age, gender, history of injury and activity levels.
Benefits of Yoga for Athletic Performance.
People ask me all the time about the benefits of yoga and how it translates to Sport and Athletic Performance. So will it actually make a difference?
Pose of the Week.
Each week, we’ll focus on a different yoga pose showing the muscles used and the benefits to the body.