Pose of the Week - Low Lunge with twist.
Low Lunge with twist.
I’m sure the majority of you have tried this yoga pose at some stage, you see it a lot in S&C warm ups or before a runner goes out for a 10km etc. just the name is different, it’s called Spiderman to windmill.
Low lunge twist pose is actively involves the hip flexors just like in our standard low lunge position but with a focus on opening and stretching the muscles of the back. Pushing the hips down helps with a deeper stretch of the gluteus maximus muscles and upper hamstring muscles. The twisting and raising of the arm helps with opening the chest and the muscles of the entire back.
This is a great pose for runners as it can be used as part of a warm up or cool down. It activates the muscles in the legs, abdomen and core which is exactly what you want before you head out for a run.
Try it out!
1. From plank pose, step your right foot between your hands bending into the right knee
2. Drop the opposite knee to the mat
3. Press the left hand down as you lift the right hand off the mat, twisting the torso and the head while stretching the right arm above the shoulder to look upwards.
4. Stay for a count of 10-30 sec
5. Repeat on the opposite side
Low lunge twist pose benefits the following muscles:
Arms and Shoulders
Lower Back
Middle Back
Stretches the chest & anterior part of the body and strengthens the flexibility of the hip joint
Warm up/cool down - stretching of the gluteus maximus muscles prepare the legs and hips for sports that involve the active use of the lower body. The twist helps with better breath awareness, improving lung capacity.
Stretches the lower back and glutes
Helps increase the efficiency of organs in the abdomen and pelvic floor with the supply of fresh oxygenated blood, at the time of releasing the pose
🔵Muscles contracting (blue): Glutes, hamstrings, deltoids, triceps
🔴Muscles stretching (red): serratus anterior
🟣Muscles contracting/stretching (purple): Quads