Pose of the Week - Warrior II.


Warrior II

Along with my favourite Downward Dog, this is one of the first poses you’ll learn when you start to practice yoga. Who doesn’t love a warrior pose? It’s a strong position, showing strength and power in a positive way. The story behind this pose, comes from an ancient script that I won’t go into but it mirrors a warrior focusing on his target (arms out long and strong, focus towards the leading fingertips, ready for battle).

All the while stretching the hips and opening the chest and shoulders. The pose is designed to use your core to keep your spine tall. 


·        Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles

·        Stretches the groins, chest and shoulders

·        Increases stamina

·        Promotes good posture and spinal alignment

It’s is great for the legs, glutes, hips, the core muscles, chest, shoulders, and the arms. Honestly it’s a full body pose that works every muscle! It might seem like an easy pose at first, but the lower you sink your front knee the more challenging it’ll be and the deeper the stretch you will find! As I always say – “remember to breathe!”

Muscles stretching (red): Inner thighs (most of the adductors) and piriformis (small muscle located deep in the buttock)

Muscles contracting (blue): Outer hips (gluteus medius and some of the lateral rotators), anterior thighs (the vasti group of the quadriceps) and the outer shoulders (lateral deltoids).


Range of Motion.


Yoga to Compliment…Cardio/HIIT/Metcons.