Pose of the Week - Plank.


Plank Pose.

This pose is universally known and widely used in the fitness industry and really focuses on our balance and strength and less of stretch, as the big emphasis is on the muscles at the core and the shoulders. It improves arms and shoulder strength to take things to the next level in terms of arm balances in yoga, it’s also an excellent exercise to strengthen your core and as we know a solid core is the basis for all functional movements. A lack of this foundational strength will only result in major weaknesses in all your athletic performances.

Plank pose is an isometric exercise that involves muscle engagement without movement, therefore you set yourself up in position and hold it for a period of time. The muscles are working but not actively changing length.

In a yoga class, you will almost always move through some form of plank, whether it’s part of a dynamic movement or a longer static hold. Both have their benefits and to add to this there are endless variations which helps to keep it interesting!

Forearm plank/Side plank/Side plank with leg lift/Four limbed staff pose/RKC plank/High plank/Upward plank etc. etc. I love a regular forearm plank, what about you? Let me know what your favourite is!


Plank Pose benefits the following muscles:

  1.  Arms and Shoulders

  2. Lower Back

  3. Biceps and Triceps

  4. Core (Abs)


  • Strengthens and tones your whole body.

  • Develops core strength and stability.

  • Prepares the body for other arm balances.


🔵Muscles contracting (blue): Biceps, triceps, glutes, calves, quads, rectus abdominis (abs), serratus anterior, rhomboids, psoas.


Breath Control.


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