Yoga to Compliment…Golf.


You probably wouldn’t think of yoga and golf in the same sentence however it’s a great combination to increase flexibility, range of motion in the joints and fine tune mental concentration needed to be at the top of our game.

Yoga is a blend of strength/endurance (stability) and flexibility/mobility and immediately provides the golfer with higher levels of both of these. Yoga will finely tune your body, and when the body is finely tuned, better golf is easily achievable.

Golf is a one-sided sport, meaning that golfers swing with one side of the body therefore creating imbalances in muscle development on the left and right sides. During the less than four seconds that it takes to swing, the body draws from lateral, vertical and rotational power sources. Developing strength and length evenly will help counterbalance what happens on the course. The golf swing requires stability and flexibility of the hips and thoracic spine and a regular yoga practice can help address these issues.

Also many golfers complain of lower back pain from repeated spinal rotation from swinging the golf club during a game. Increasing flexibility in the spinal rotators is key to preventing injuries therefore by improving core strength, one of yoga’s key benefits, it will help strengthen the abdominal/core muscles resulting in more spinal support and less strain on the lower back. A powerful and accurate golf swing needs strong core muscles and good upper-back mobility.

Golf involves a great deal of physical skill and practice, but unless the mind is calm and focused, one won't be at the top of your game. The emphasis on yogic breathing and mind-body connection in yoga is essential in helping athletes develop mental acuity, patience and concentration. Learning to be present in each moment on the course will result in a more fluid, enjoyable game.

Static poses that require the muscles to work hard in order to stabilize the body are great for golfers. Not only is core stability a foundation to making a better golf swing, being more stable allows you to increase your range of motion.

Standard poses such as "downward dog," "half moon," "staff pose" and "warrior" are great for golfers especially those with hip-rotation and hip-hinge issues.



1.      Increases overall flexibility which can improve consistency, power and accuracy for your swing.

2.      Helps improve body awareness and control

3.      Improves core strength and stability

4.      Improves posture therefore counteracting the hours spent hunching and bending down on the golf course

5.      Relieves lower back pain and counteracts tension from repeated spinal rotation

6.      Teaches breath control and relaxation under pressure.


Pose of the Week - Bound Angle.


Body Awareness & Proprioception.