
We all know power, strength, and speed are directly related to proper body mechanics: when our body is properly aligned, we can transmit force much more efficiently and perform better across the board.

So what is alignment in Yoga?

It’s how we position our bodies to achieve the full benefit of a yoga pose without having any discomfort or risk injuring ourselves.

 Proper yoga alignment also ensures that you build body strength by engaging all your muscles evenly in a coordinated manner. This lets you boost your strength without exerting too much pressure on any particular muscle or joint.

Whatever your sport, by returning your body to its optimal alignment, yoga can help you reduce losing power in your lifting, improve running gait and efficiency and help you punch, jump, or throw more explosively.

 From a biomechanical perspective, properly aligned muscles and joints optimize your available power. This means you’re able to achieve maximum results in a shorter period of time. Correct alignment also stacks your joints together, allowing you to use your strength more efficiently. As a result, there’s less straining. And, it will be easier to breathe.

Yoga is just like any other exercise, be it cycling or swimming. Having good alignment keeps your joints in their proper positions. This produces optimal muscle performance which translates to power. In addition, it helps prevent your spine, joints, and muscles from getting into awkward angles and positions.

If you do want to increase your power, try out a yoga class and see how feels. Does your body feel good afterwards? Is there an area or specific muscles that are super tight that you never noticed before?

If you’d like to read more about Yoga and it’s benefits, click on the link in my bio and go to my blog on the website.


Yoga to Compliment…Strength Training.


Pose of the Week - Bridge.